Saturday, March 30, 2013

Lots more outdoor fun

All eight pups - I have added a crash pad to cover the front steps

The pups are currently using the steps as "home base" when outside

Skeeter demonstrating his mastery of steps - all the pups are able to get up and down the steps

Possibly Gnat
Skipper showing that he can also go down

Cid doing an "Up" 

Puppy wrestling

Sniffing and exploring

Skipper wrestling with Gnat


Ladybug, not so graceful going over the drain spout

Ladybug sitting on front walk, she is so much darker than the other yellow pups

Silly Cricket chewing on a small stick

Cricket and Skeeter, Skeeter has a cowlick down his nose

There was still a bit of snow along the north side of the drive.  Probably the only time
the pups will get to experience snow before next winter. 

Checking it out

Katy - my favorite picture of the day

Friday, March 29, 2013

First outside adventure

The weather was finally warm enough to take the pups outside. 

Pups on the front lawn

Pups on the front walk

Pups at my feet

Sitting pretty

Ladybug exploring



Skipper exploring

Looks like little Midge who is proving to be quite bold


Cid and Cricket

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

4 weeks old

The pups are loving life in the big puppy pen, very playful and interactive.  Their coordination improves by the day.  The pups weights ranged from 3 lbs 12 oz (Gnat) to 5 lbs 9 oz (Cid) - see how much they have grown in the table below.   Together, they are quickly approaching Riley's weight since she is a relatively petite girl.  Poor Riley has had her chow decreased to 8 cups of kibble (from 9 cups).  The pups are getting fed soaked kibble 3 to 4 times a day individually from bowls so that we can better control their rate of growth.   I added a small water bowl to the pen a week ago, and the pups are slowly starting to drink on their own.  At this age, mostly just paw and nose dunking, and or stumbling through the water bowl.  Until they can drink well on their own, I am being careful to provide adequate hydration with the kibble we are providing.  They have already had 3 nail trims and a couple of wormings.  We have introduced brushing, and have started invasive/rude petting and handling.  We cradle the pups briefly on their backs; massage feet, ears, and tail, pet them around their heads and mouth, etc.  The TV is next to the puppy pen and NPR is playing during the day when I am at work.  We are starting to also train basic manners by rewarding pups for being quiet with 4 feet on the ground.  Amazing how fast baby pups can learn to sit to get picked up or fed.  Looking forward to finally getting some Spring weather so that we can get the pups outside. 

Day 6
2 weeks
4 weeks
8  oz
14.8 oz
1 lb 15.6 oz
4 lbs 11 oz
11.4 oz
1 lb 5.4 oz
2 lb 7 oz
5 lbs 9 oz
7.6 oz
13 oz
1 lb 9.8 oz
4 lbs 2 oz
9.4 oz
1 lb 3 oz
2 lb 3 oz
5 lb
6.8 oz
12 oz
1 lb 12.4 oz
4 lb 6 oz
7 oz
12 oz
1 lb 6 oz
3 lbs 12 oz
10 oz
1 lb 3.8 oz
2 lb 3.8 oz
5 lbs 1 oz
10.8 oz
1 lb 2.2 oz
2 lb 3 oz
4 lbs 12 oz

Sunday, March 24, 2013

A few more puppy pics

Look how bigs these pups have gotten

Pups hanging out next to me in the pen

Silly Gnat

Gnat wrestling with Cricket

Gnat takes down of his big sister

Paws up


Midge and Ladybug

Midge and Ladybug on my lap

Midge doing a nice "Visit" on my lap

Into the big puppy pen

Thought it might be a few more days, but this morning, the pups looked ready for the big move.  They adapted quite ready, checked out their new toys, and found their way to the new big litter box. 

Shortly after moving into to bigger digs

Lots of new toys

Midge in the litter box - she went down there all by herself

Cid checking out the hard plastic ball that rattles, more pups in the litter box in the background

Busy morning

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Puppy pics

Mobile milk bar

Nursing like big puppies

Skeeter nuzzling Cricket

Silly boy!


Ladybug and Katy

A cute threesome