Thursday, March 14, 2013


All the pups have their eyes open, Skeeter was the last one and didn't open his eyes until Day 17-18 which is quite late and further supports that these pups were preemies.  It is always so much fun to see the pups starting to interact with the world.  Their ear canals should be opening soon.  They are much more active, more cuddily, and completely adorable.  They are starting to purposely move away from where they sleep to toilet, and will soon be ready for litter box training.  Last night, the pups had their first small bite of canned food, and gave their full approval.  Today, Nancy reported hearing Cicada doing a little puppy bark.  Cicada is the first pup to reach 3 lbs, all but Gnat are at least 2 lbs.  So we have a very wide range of weights with this litter.  Riley has been able to keep up with the milk production and I have not had to bottle feed for some time.  I will be quickly increasing the amount of canned food fed and prepare these pups for the introduction to soaked kibble and milk. 

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